Letter From the Pastor

Kyle Hart May 31, 2024 0 comments

Family life is great! Carly and I are going to be going on vacation the first week of June. We are looking forward to getting away and relaxing some. Vance turned 5 in May, and we had a great time celebrating him. He also graduated from pre-school. Some of you know Harvey didn’t sleep through the night at all for the first 2 years of his life. Since he has turned 2, he has been sleeping through the night now! That has been a huge blessing! Life is a blast with the family God has blessed me with!!

On to ministry…

I would say ministry is the best it has been since I’ve been on staff. I’ve been able to attend track meets, baseball games, band concerts, choir concerts, and a lot of extracurricular events. I’ve been able to have dinner with some of the youth families too! FourTwelve has also had a few opportunities to go and serve the congregation with spring clean-up. We have helped at four different homes, and it has been great getting to serve with them in that way. Ministry is way more than Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Since I’ve been doing ministry more outside of those times, it has been so life giving and ministry is amazing! Stepping into the world of our youth and seeing what they enjoy doing and learning more about them has been so exciting and I’m looking forward to summertime! That will bring even more opportunity to connect with them outside of those Sunday and Wednesday time frames. This is also an area where I am so thankful and blessed with the ministry God has blessed me with.

A challenge for us all….


What does your prayer life look like?

As I have conversations with individuals at church and even outside of church, prayer time is almost nonexistent in most of our lives. We see in scripture that Jesus went away and prayed many times.(Luke 5:16, 6:12, 9:28, etc…) There’s even the Lord’s Prayer that tells us how to pray (Matthew 6:9-13). Prayer is one on one time with you and the Lord. Through prayer we get to intentionally be with God. We get to talk to him, with him, and we also get to listen to him. What an amazing blessing we have getting to spend this time with our Lord and Savior. When times are the best they have ever been pray and give praise/thanks, when things are tough, pray and ask for guidance, direction, strength. No matter the circumstance, spend time in prayer multiple times a day. Spending time with the Lord is always blessing and is something we can do wherever we are!! I love you all and am grateful to be a part of Mohican Church!!

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