Letter from the Pastor

Chad Palmer August 07, 2024 0 comments

I recently used my grandpa’s old ax and quickly realized that the handle was in pretty bad
shape. I’m sure he probably would have found a way to continue to make it work, but it
seemed to me that a new handle was in order. Instead of buying one, I thought it’d be neat to
try to make a handle for it out of some osage orange logs that I had. After cutting a piece to the
proper length, I sat down at a bench, clamped down the piece of wood, and began to work on it
with a drawknife.

With each stroke, I’d pull off a big strip of wood. It didn’t take long before
my feet were covered in a pile of burnt-orange wood shavings. As the amount of shavings at
my feet grew, that piece of a long-dead log that I pulled out of the woods began to look more
and more like an ax handle. Occasionally I would pause and inspect it more closely. As pleased
as I was with the progress, many times I came to the conclusion that there was still more wood
to come off in order to make it as functional as I needed it to be…not to mention the fact that it
needed to look better; because how it looked would also be a reflection of the quality of my
work. As it took shape, not as much drastic work needed to be done. I put down the draw
knife and picked up the rasp. Then the sandpaper. Finally, I was able to attach the head and
put some linseed oil on the handle to finish it up. The end result was a beautiful, functional ax
handle from a piece of wood that almost landed in the woodshed.

As I worked on that handle, I couldn’t help but see the parallel of how the Lord works in us. He
brings us to Himself when we were destined for destruction, saving us from hopelessness by
grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. And then He continues to go to work in us from
that moment on, making us more and more like Jesus. As we follow Christ, submitting to His
Spirit and to His word, He begins to strip away the things that are contrary to His character and
nature in us…things that are not like Jesus…things that don’t glorify Him and that are not
helpful for the purpose He has for us. Sometimes He takes off big pieces, like with a draw knife.
Sometimes it’s less, like with a rasp or sandpaper. The tools He uses vary: from quiet conviction
of the Spirit, to meditation on His word, to interaction with other disciples of Christ, and to
various trials and storms. No matter the tool, remember that His purpose for you is
redemptive. His purpose is for your growth for His glory – for you to be conformed to the
image of His son! And it’s great to know that He who began this good work in you will be
faithful to complete it!

Some scripture for further study:
Romans 8:29-30; Galatians 5:16-24; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24;
Hebrews 12:1-11

Tags: ax, shaping, work

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